Moreno Valley

Moreno Valley Police Department issued a statement in 2018 warning of an increase in DUI charges. According to the statement, the police were investigating and prosecuting about 150 DUI cases every year in the state. Driving while under the influence of an intoxicant is a crime in all 50 states. If you are looking for DUI classes near Moreno Valley, Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group is here to help. We offer you the support that you need to overcome your substance abuse problem within an environment of love and sympathy.

About Moreno Valley, California

The City of Moreno Valley lies in the County of Riverside, CA. The city is one of the largest in the County and is home to about 200,000 people. Moreno Valley is named after a small community that was integrated into the city. The founder of the community was called Brown and since he refused to have the city named after him, the residents named the city Moreno which means Brown in Spanish.

Looking for DUI Risk Education Classes in Moreno Valley, CA?

DUI risk education is often part of a court-mandated process for individuals to get their driving licenses back after a DUI charge. At Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, we ensure that we put you in the right class after assessing your DUI risk level. Our program focuses on the legal implications of a DUI charge and the damage that substance abuse inflicts on our bodies, our families, and our mental health.

Looking for DUI Early Intervention Services in Moreno Valley, CA?

DUI early intervention services are designed for individuals who are at a high risk of developing substance abuse problems that often lead to DUI charges. Family members may recommend that an individual take these classes if they notice a disturbing pattern of substance abuse. Even individuals who are concerned by their drinking behavior may elect to use our early intervention services.

Need DUI Outpatient Substance Abuse Counseling in Moreno Valley, CA?

At Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, we offer DUI outpatient substance abuse counseling to our patients. After classifying them as either low, moderate, or high risk when it comes to DUI, we then put them in an appropriate group session. Group sessions are efficient and also help our patients develop life-long connections that act as support mechanisms long after they have finished our classes.

Need DUI Counseling in Moreno Valley, CA?

Given the fact that DUI is a serious crime in all states, it makes a lot of sense for an individual to seek DUI counseling in Moreno Valley is they perceive themselves to be at risk of DUI. Our counselors at Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group will patiently take you through the process to understand the underlying factors. We will also give you the right coping mechanisms to help you avoid using alcohol and other substances.

Why Work with Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group for DUI Classes Near Moreno Valley, CA?

Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group is committed to helping to get your life back on track after a DUI charge. Our counseling program has helped many individuals recover from substance abuse and thus allowing them to live healthy and productive lives. We tailor our program to fit your schedule, so you don’t have to bring your life to a standstill.

If you have more questions about Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group’s DUI services in Moreno Valley, feel free to contact us today.