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How Much Does A DUI Class Cost In California?

How Much Does A DUI Class Cost In California?

Have you been ordered to complete a DUI treatment program? If so, you may be wondering about these types of programs, what they cost, etc. The following will be some information that may prove helpful if you have been ordered to complete a DUI class in California....
Should I Tell My Employer About My DUI Charge?

Should I Tell My Employer About My DUI Charge?

You got pulled over on your way home from a party by an officer and, long story short, you ended up with a DUI charge. Unfortunately, you’re also looking for a job, at this time. Will that DUI affect your job chances? Does your employer have to know about it if...
How To Choose California Online DUI Schools

How To Choose California Online DUI Schools

When COVID-19 was at its worst, it wasn’t uncommon for companies to run their businesses online as much as possible. Not only was business being done online, but more classes were offered online than were already in existence. If you have been convicted of a DUI...
Can You Sue A Bar For A DUI In Victorville, CA?

Can You Sue A Bar For A DUI In Victorville, CA?

You got pulled over on your way home from a bar and it was determined you were driving over the legal blood alcohol limit. Though you may have many questions at this point, one of them may be whether you can sue the bartender after a DUI in Victorville, CA. You...