In some states, DUI AND DWI may be used interchangeably. They may have similar consequences and effects on your driving records, but they don’t mean the same thing. DUI is an acronym for “driving under the influence.” It could be under the influence of illegal, prescribed, or over-the-counter drugs or alcohol. On the contrary, DWI stands for “driving while intoxicated or impaired.” While these two have different literal meanings, their penalties and severity depend on the specific state laws. Read on to learn about DUI vs. DWI in Redlands, CA, and how they differ.
Differences Between DWI and DUI in Redlands, California
DWI and DUI are interchangeably used when referring to the various types of impaired driving, be it intoxication or “under the influence.” However, in California, the term “DUI” is used exclusively to refer to all forms of impaired driving. If an individual is arrested for DUI in California, the individual will be convicted because of intoxication or high blood alcohol level while driving.
How Is Driver Impairment Tested?
In California, police officers test a driver’s impairment either through the use of a breathalyzer or observation and field sobriety tests:
- Breathalyzer: This electronic device measures the driver’s breath alcohol content to ascertain if it’s above or below the legal limit.
- Field Sobriety Test: This is usually done when an officer observes a suspicious driving behavior and pattern. It could be speeding, slow driving, staying in the wrong lane, or hesitance to move at a green light. The officer will observe the driver’s composition and behavior by checking for bloodshot eyes, the stench of alcohol, mumbled speech, or dilated pupils. If the driver perceives the driver is intoxicated, they may ask to conduct a sobriety test to check the driver’s motor and mental skills.
Which Has Severe Consequences, DWI or DUI
In states where DWI and DWI are treated distinctly, a DWI conviction usually has more severe consequences because it implies the driver is highly intoxicated. However, in Redlands, California, where the two terms mean the same, the penalties and consequences are similar.
Penalties for DUI in Redlands, California
If a driver is arrested for driving under the influence in California, it will be considered a misdemeanor but might become a felony charge under certain circumstances, such as:
- Having over 3 DUI charges within ten years
- Causing accidents leading to death or injured people
- Prior DUI felony conviction
Under California law, penalties for a first-time DUI without accidents may include:
- Jail time of between 2 days and six months
- Suspended driver’s license
- Revoked driver’s license
- Probation without jail time depending on the county
- Six months installment of an ignition interlock device
- Compulsory Victim Impact Panel (VIP) Attendance
- Impounded vehicle
- Fine payment of between $390 and $1000
These and more are consequences a first-time DUI offender may get. However, the severity of these charges increases for repeated DUI charges.
Choosing Jackson Bibby Awareness Group for DUI Education
If you or your loved one has been charged with DUI offenses, Jackson Bibby Awareness Group is a licensed DUI education program provider that provides classes, mentoring, and counseling for DUI offenders in Redlands, California. If perhaps you are facing penalties, including a suspended driver’s license, we are connected to the Courts and DMV to ensure you can regain your driver’s license. Contact us today for more information on our services.
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