If you know you are prone to drinking more than you can handle on a night out, you will need to come up with alternate ways to get home other than driving. Every year, hundreds and thousands of lives are lost as a result of drunk driving, and you could be putting someone else’s life at risk when you drink and drive. In this article, we share with you some alternate ways to get home after a night out.

Designate A Driver

If you often go out with the same group of people, the easiest way of doing things to designate a driver each time. This person will be responsible for getting the group home and therefore won’t be drinking or at most, limiting their intake to just one glass that night. Although it may seem unfair, if everyone takes turns to be the designated driver, things will even out in the long run.

Call A Taxi

Another alternative is to call a taxi. When you are not the one doing the driving, you can’t possibly engage in drunk driving. With so many apps out there today, it’s never been easier to book a ride home and if necessary, return the next day to get your car. Leaving it parked at your friend’s house for a night will not do much harm.

Get Someone to Drive Your Car

Today, there are services available where you can engage someone to drive your car home for you. If you absolutely need your car the next morning, this can be a better option than calling a taxi. You get the best of both worlds – you can avoid drunk driving and get your car home the very same day!

Take Public Transport

If you don’t wish to spend money on a taxi or getting someone to drive your car, public transport is always an option. However, this may not work if you are so drunk that even walking straight is a problem for you. If you are still in control of your senses, opt to play it safe by taking public transport instead of driving.

Stay Over

If all else fails, one option you have is to stay over. If you are at a friend’s house, simply ask if you can crash for the night. This is definitely better than attempting to drive while drunk and putting yourself as well as others in danger.

Attend DUI Education Classes at Jackson-Bibby

Have you been charged with a DUI offense? At Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, we believe that DUI education classes are the first step towards successfully getting you back on the road after a DUI offense. Throughout the length of your program, you will attend informative classes as well as group and individual counseling sessions, which will be delivered by licensed counselors. If you have any questions about our services or programs for first offenders and multiple offenders, please feel free to check out our FAQs.