You might never think about it when you get behind that wheel. You’ve been out with friends, you’re feeling fine, and you make the decision to drive while drunk or slightly buzzed. You’ve just opened the door to a DUI conviction. No big deal, it’s just one bump in the road. Well, it’s going to be a bigger problem than you think.

Take for example your job. Maybe you’re involved in sales. You have to rent vehicles all over the country when you travel. With a DUI on your record, it’s going to be difficult to do that. In some states, the status of your driver’s license may be changed to temporary, restricted, or you may lose your license entirely.

But, you say, you’re not in sales. A DUI conviction is still going to present a number of problems in your life, no matter what your career choice. Here are a few.

Prospective College Students – Take Heed

Were you planning on going to college? A DUI charge could derail your plans. It could cause you to lose a scholarship or be denied admission. With some scholarships, there are all sorts of codes of conduct and moral clauses involved. For medical schools, nursing schools, etc., not only might you have a problem getting accepted but, if you’re already attending classes, you might get booted out!

Traveling Internationally? Maybe Not

If you were planning a trip to a faraway place, a DUI conviction could affect your ability to travel internationally. A DUI, at least where Canada is concerned, can mean jumping through hoops to get in or a one-time exemption. People traveling to India and other countries have faced problems, as well.

Are You a CDL Holder?

Even if you weren’t in your commercial vehicle at the time, if you’re convicted of a DUI, in some states, your CDL license can be suspended. So that means that in addition to the normal penalties faced, you could have to reapply for your CDL when the dust settles. That’s just the first DUI conviction, by the way. If you’re faced with another one, for the rest of your life, you could lose your commercial driving privileges.

Trying To Adopt or Facing Child Custody?

If you are trying to adopt a child, a DUI conviction could end up changing your plans. If you’re fighting for child custody, the same can be said. When divorces getting nasty, and child custody battles end up in court, an ex-spouse (not to mention their lawyer) is going to be overjoyed at the prospect of using a DUI conviction to destroy your character.

Even without either of these in the picture, if you have children and you plan on driving them around, guess again. A DUI conviction may prohibit you from doing so. It all depends on the status of your license as a result of the conviction.

Get Back on Track with Jackson Bibby Awareness Group

Are you facing your first DUI conviction and having some trouble dealing with it? At Jackson Bibby Awareness Group, even with the current social distancing practices in effect, we can help. Currently, our treatment counselors are speaking with those in need of mentoring, counseling, classes, etc., via Zoom meetings individually or in groups. You can participate if you have a tablet with a working camera, microphone, and speakers, or a smart phone or computer.

You want your license back. We want to help. Get back on track with the assistance of one of our dedicated counselors. Even if this is not your first conviction, we can still be of assistance. Contact us today for more information.